get your fruschkshon witcha gurrrl. gonna give it to ya.
Those aren't actually the lyrics to 'Grin Diesel' by your friends in Fuck the Tundra. Those are right below this paragraph. Well it's about time, wouldn't you say? I get an email every now and then for lyrics, and, well, it just kind of seems like doing it this way makes a lot of sense. In case you were ever wondering what the fuck was going on in the middle of the chaos, these are the words to the grin diesel tape.
gintro [kirk/ben]
the pigeon super shuffle.
then naked slime dude! (slime dude hobbies include sandwich swaps at ghost-pigeon picnics)
the pigeon super shuffle.
good harvest [ben/kirk]
self exhortation. all crowded, all clouded in excess, no exits or take-backs.
not stoked on spiked punch, trains derail themselves. the idea of: a gray scale circus of laughs lacking the muses.
and be sure to use trusty bait when fishing.
conscious effortlessness invites abrasive energy to pervert development. insignificant carriers attempt to prevent progress and i can't grasp why i ever complied.
wow. that was a good harvest.
in the thick of it all we tried to cash out copped out punchlines, and question the core in crunchtime.
cherry picker, could you pick it out? that collecting, shouting "doubt!"
self exhortation, all crowded, all clouded in excess, no exits or take-backs. wow. that was a good harvest.
Tommy Luv is NOT GAY [kirk]
Grin Diesel [kirk]
although recollection assures me the past is long gone.
grin diesel. hey man, smile. it's not the end of the world, you know. who knows why people reject lack of acknowledgment? uncertain situations holding the most vague intentions, although recollection assures me the past is long gone.
chow ya bin?
gud n yu?
although, recollection assures me the past is long gone.
goomba (with wings) [fuck the tundra]
okay, i actually don't know what kirk screams at the beginning. also, this song is just filthy. we're not usually this vile.
(ben's first line) riding the majestic goomba with wings. ruffling the defiled feathers.
riding the majestic goomba with wings.
look at the goomba on gabes.
riding the majestic goomba with wings.
assists in discharging girthy goo.
riding the majestic goomba with wings.
unleash the winged, beastly, goomba.
(this chorus is all kirk)
(ben) here's clayton jonstone, and mark bossman, with tyler anderson, kyle gillis, and starring Jimmy Kimmel, as The Goomba. here's clayton jonstone, and mark bossman, with tyler anderson, kyle gillis, and starring Jimmy Kimmel, as The Goomba. here's clayton jonstone, and mark bossman, with tyler anderson, kyle gillis, and starring Jimmy Kimmel "!"
matt wood's giberish, kirk screams all pretty about something. i believe it's about jerking off in the closet at some point.
The tape is always free for digital download here:
let me know if the link is wonky.
hey could you fix the link?